A Parent's View on MAP Prep

The precalculus course taken at Dr. Li’s is highly beneficial to high schoolers who want to review for major exams and incoming high schoolers who want to prepare early for their upcoming math courses.
My daughter took this course to prepare her for high school. The curriculum covers essential topics such as trigonometry, probability, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry, and more. After taking this course, she felt more confident and prepared to handle the work in the SMCS program at Poolesville High School.


At M&E Academy, it has been a great learning experience. Taking these classes is highly beneficial for me to learn and help me improve. Through the classes I took, the teachers were always observant and helpful to their students to create a welcoming
environment, and they always want their students to succeed, while making the class interesting, fun, and competitive.

A Parent's Words on Summer Camp

My daughter had math and English classes during summer for the preparation of next school year.
I heard about this academy from my colleague who keeps sending his two kids to Dr. Li every summer.
The material is thorough and well organized.
She liked math class more than other. She said Dr. Li teaches enthusiastically with loud voice.

Overall, teachers and staff members are kind to kids. They provide free shuttle service from my area, Clarksville, unless I could not send her to the camp.

Larson Ozbun / Roberto Clemente MS ⮞ Poolesville HS

I am thankful for Dr. Li’s 2019 Fall GT Prep class. At the beginning of eighth grade, the magnet exam was lingering in the back of my head. I was in the last year of middle school and December seventh felt like the grand finale that everything was leading up to. Ever since sixth grade, I was captivated by engineering, especially the aerospace field. I participated in the rubber band powered model plane event at the Maryland Science Olympiad. I knew the Poolesville SMCS program would be perfect for me with its numerous STEM classes.

Andy Ying / Takoma Park MS ⮞ Blair HS

My rise to the magnet programs was one that was thrilling at every turn. My history with the Dr. Li Program can be traced back to 5th grade, in which Dr. Li greatly assisted me with getting into Takoma Park, an extremely competitive middle school. I knew that those 3 years I spent in middle school were not meant to be thrown away and wasted, but that every precious second I had was to ensure that I had an edge in high school applications.

Zach Zhao / Robert Frost MS ⮞ RM/IB

I have always wanted to be a part of the magnet program. It was my dream that was only a dream until this year, 2020. With support from Dr. Li and Mr. Li, I have achieved my goal of making the magnet program at Richard Montgomery High School. The entire preparation period was incredibly rewarding as classes taught by Mr. Li and Dr. Li have changed my life. The lessons they taught have also motivated and inspired my friends that have attended these classes regardless of whether they were accepted or not.

Kelly Chen / Hallie Wells MS ⮞ Poolesville HS (2020)

Math:    50
Reading:     51
Reasoning:    42
Writing:    3

My experiences with the magnet program began rather early, when I first took the test in third grade for a magnet elementary school. I did not make the selection, so I continued school at my current ES at the time. Even though I was rejected, not many feelings impacted me. I was neither happy nor sad, because at the time I did not know the significance and strong effects of the magnet program.
