Discount with check payment
To lock in the special rate, please mail the payment within 3 days upon your registration. You will receive a confirmation upon the receipt of your check.
Each online registration books a seat for your child. You are strongly recommended to start a new registration for each child to avoid seating collision in the system, which costs more administration time to fix.
Normally, discounts are offered before certain posted deadline.
To qualify for the the discount, you will need to
- first, get an order ID by paying ($10-$40) with credit card for the registration
- then mail a check in the agreed amount
1) Make your check payable to
M & E Academy
2) Leave the order ID in the memo of the check
3) Mail it to
P. O. Box 10893
Rockville, MD 20849
You should expect a confirmation from us upon the receipt of your check as below:
"04/27/2018 - 14:54 Check Received"
Contact Dr. Li ( for no confirmation over 5 days.
Note: Don't mail it to the office (at 10101 Molecular Dr) to avoid lost mails.