At M&E Academy, it has been a great learning experience. Taking these classes is highly beneficial for me to learn and help me improve. Through the classes I took, the teachers were always observant and helpful to their students to create a welcoming
environment, and they always want their students to succeed, while making the class interesting, fun, and competitive.

In math class, there is usually a competition where students try to answer the question or solve a math problem first and correctly, whoever does gets a point, and at the end, the one with the most points receives a prize that keeps us engaged and
encouraged to learn more. And sometimes when no one knows the answer, Dr.Li does a great job explaining how the problem is solved and how to do it most efficiently.

In reading class, the teacher combines reading comprehension with his knowledge that will benefit our future lives while also making it humorous, funny, and helpful. One thing I remember was when we were talking about pencils, he kept calling
the wooden pencils stubbies because those constantly needed sharpening so he told us to use mechanical pencils instead. This was a great piece of advice because sharpening a pencil could disrupt the whole class while a mechanical pencil can
sharpen itself quickly and silently.

In writing class, the teachers put a lot of effort into reviewing the assignments and giving feedback to us so we can get better. The feedback is very detailed and specific, which shows me what the problem is and helps me make progress in writing.

The after-school classes have boosted my learning career and helped me improve my MAP test as well as the school subjects. Many topics covered in the M&E Academy are more detailed and advanced than those taught in school, therefore these classes have given me a head start.

All the teachers are really devoted and they look for the best in students. During my time here, I have improved in various subjects, and without a doubt, this has helped many others too. M&E Academy is truly a hallowed place.