Ivy Leaf - Classic Literature for Middle School
A 6-Week Program for Reading and Writing
- 4/26 (2:00 - 3:30)
- 5/10 (2:00 - 3:30)
- 5/17 (2:00 - 3:30)
- 5/31 (2:00 - 3:30)
- 6/7 (2:00 - 3:30)
- 6/14 (2:00 - 3:30)
Lyat is particularly passionate about coaching students on crafting compelling personal statements for application essays. She believes in the power of a well-written personal statement to open doors and create opportunities for her students, as it can be the deciding factor in gaining admission to selective programs and scholarships. Her personalized approach helps students articulate their unique stories and strengths, making their applications stand out and gaining them entry to the most prestigious colleges and universities in a competitive admissions landscape. Lyat holds degrees from Columbia and Johns Hopkins Universities
- Week 1: Pages 1–90 (Introduction to philosophy, Sophie’s first letters)
- Week 2: Pages 91–180 (Greek philosophers, Middle Ages)
- Week 3: Pages 181–270 (Renaissance, Baroque, Descartes, Enlightenment)
- Week 4: Pages 271–360 (Romanticism, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Marx, Darwin)
- Week 5: Pages 361–450 (Freud, modern philosophy, Sophie’s reality unravels)
- Week 6: Pages 451–End (Final revelations, conclusion)
Week 1: Introduction & Ancient Philosophy
- Preface & “The Garden of Eden”
- “The Top Hat” & “The Myths”
- “The Natural Philosophers”
Writing Assignments:
- Personal Reflection: What do you think philosophy is? How does Sophie’s first encounter with philosophy compare to your own experiences with big questions?
- Creative Writing: Write a dialogue between Sophie and an ancient philosopher (Thales, Heraclitus, or Democritus) where they discuss the nature of reality.
Discussion Questions:
- Why does Sophie receive mysterious letters?
- How do myths shape our understanding of the world?
- How did early philosophers move from myth to reason?
Week 2: Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle
- “Democritus” & “Fate”
- “Socrates” & “Athens”
- “Plato” & “The Major’s Cabin”
- “Aristotle”
Writing Assignments:
- Philosophical Dialogue: Write an imaginary conversation between Plato and Aristotle debating their views on reality and knowledge.
- Analytical Essay: Compare Socrates' method of questioning (the Socratic method) to a conversation or lesson in your own life. Have you ever asked or been asked a series of questions that led you to think differently or discover something new? Describe the experience and analyze how it compares to Socrates' approach.
Discussion Questions:
- How did Socrates challenge Athenian society?
- How does Plato’s Theory of Forms influence how we think about reality?
- How does Aristotle’s empirical approach differ from Plato’s?
Week 3: Middle Ages to the Renaissance
- “Hellenism” & “The Postcards”
- “Two Cultures” & “The Middle Ages”
- “The Renaissance” & “The Baroque”
Writing Assignments:
- Historical Letter: Write a letter from a medieval monk explaining why philosophy should align with religion.
- Compare & Contrast: How does Renaissance humanism differ from medieval philosophy?
Discussion Questions:
- How did Greek philosophy merge with religious thought?
- Why was the Renaissance a turning point for philosophy?
- How does the Baroque worldview reflect the tension between faith and reason?
Week 4: The Enlightenment & Romanticism
- “Descartes” & “Spinoza”
- “Locke” & “Hume”
- “Berkeley” & “The Enlightenment”
- “Kant”
Writing Assignments:
- Philosophy in Action: Choose a modern issue (AI, freedom of speech, etc.) and analyze it using ideas from Locke, Hume, or Kant.
- Personal Reflection: Do you agree more with rationalists (Descartes) or empiricists (Hume)? Explain why.
Discussion Questions:
- How does Descartes’ cogito ergo sum influence modern thought?
- Why does Hume challenge the idea of cause and effect?
- How does Kant attempt to bridge rationalism and empiricism?
Week 5: 19th & 20th Century Philosophy
- “Romanticism” & “Hegel”
- “Kierkegaard” & “Marx”
- “Darwin” & “Freud”
- “Our Own Time”
Writing Assignments:
- Philosophy & Society: How do Marx’s ideas about class struggle apply today?
- Psychoanalysis & You: Write about a personal habit using Freud’s theories of the id, ego, and superego.
Discussion Questions:
- How does Romanticism contrast with the Enlightenment?
- Why does Marx believe history is shaped by class struggle?
- How does Freud’s view of the unconscious mind challenge previous philosophical ideas?
- Week 6: The Nature of Reality & Final Reflections
- “The Big Bang” & “The Garden Party”
- “Sophie’s World” (final chapters)
Final Writing Assignments:
- Final Reflection: What is the most important philosophical idea you’ve learned? How has your thinking changed?
- Alternate Ending: Rewrite the final chapter with a different twist—what if Sophie actually exists in Albert’s world?
Discussion Questions:
- What is reality? How does Sophie’s World challenge our perception of existence?
- Does the book itself function like a philosophical experiment?
We will study these 30 SAT-level vocabulary words from Sophie’s World:
- Philosophical
- Metaphysical
- Epistemology
- Rationalism
- Empiricism
- Dialectic
- Skepticism
- Existential
- Determinism
- Inductive
- Deductive
- Aesthetic
- Dogmatic
- Pantheism
- Materialism
- Mysticism
- Allegory
- Ontology
- Cynicism
- Nihilism
- Transcendence
- Subjective
- Objective
- Anthropomorphic
- Paradox
- Cosmology
- Hellenistic
- Utopian
- Esoteric
- Immutable