Why Personal Statement Decides the Fate of Your Admissions?

We believe the determining factor for admission lies in how compelling an applicant's potential is, and how well the applicant proves this potential throughout their entire application. In order to distill these important objectives into a more digestible concept, we will discuss the importance of a college applicant's "application thesis."

Our team is ready for action on your behalf: College Admission Services
Our team breaks down and performs a complete analysis on a student's profile in order to offer a uniquely tailored strategy to follow for both the early and regular admissions rounds. The following account is an actual example of our team's deep analysis we provided to one of our students during a working session with said student.

Jenny's (student's actual name has been redacted) profile indicates that she is an accomplished captain of her tennis team, has scored impressively well on multiple science AP exams, and is conducting scientific research at a university for her summer internship. Jenny is also interested in premedical studies as an undergraduate student and is an aspiring physician. During our brainstorming session, Jenny was able to formulate the following application thesis on her own based on the tailored strategy our team has suggested for her to follow based on her profile:

"I aim to major in Biomedical Engineering in order to fulfill my dual goal of becoming a female engineer and medical doctor. My undergraduate Biomedical Engineering education will allow me to pursue my research interest in rehabilitation therapy -- namely, in formulating novel ways for athletes such as myself to recover more quickly from injuries sustained on the field, while satisfying the premedical requirements needed to gain admission to medical school. Furthermore, studying at a renowned institution will enable me to broaden my worldview and further develop the leadership skills I will need that will be paramount for my future career in engineering medicine."

Jenny's leadership skills, extracurricular activities, academic achievements, and awards strongly support this thesis, while containing additional details that "humanize" her in the eyes of an admissions committee. Through speaking with Jenny, it was discovered that her tennis team coach also happened to be her AP World History instructor in 9th grade, an exam she happened to score a perfect "5" on. We provided Jenny with the suggestion to obtain an additional recommendation letter from this coach in order to augment her application thesis through the angle of her athletic accomplishments. We also formulated strategies for her humanities and STEM recommendation letter writers based on her profile.

Formulating one's career aspirations, interests, and objectives succinctly into such a clear written statement helps the applicant maintain critical focus throughout the entire process of working on the application. Without such a clearly defined objective serving as the backbone of the entire application, it is all too easy for the applicant's message to become muddled -- and ultimately lost in a vast sea of qualified candidates.

The personal statement is the single most critical piece of a college application because it is the applicant's only direct opportunity to respond (and prove) their own application thesis. As one can imagine, the chosen written topics of a personal statement are of paramount importance because they determine the direction and potency of the applicant in their own words. Our team assists students in selecting the personal statement topics that most clearly and humanly (more on this later) prove their application thesis. Within a few brief minutes, it is an admissions officer's job to gauge the applicant's potential and the applicant's ability to fulfill this potential.