Mr. Snyder (Ivy Communications)


9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: WHAT IS LEADERSHIP Students will discuss their objective in life and begin with the rudiments of showing confidence in themselves. Leadership requires projection of those attributes that inspire others to follow. Once we understand what it is that we desire in leaders, these attributes will be developed.

HOMEWORK: ROADMAP TO SUCCESS Leadership is about succeeding. The student is to formally interview a parent of their choice to receive “formal” wisdom regarding the pursuit of the student’s dream and/or career. This should include a path, an itinerary, including, but not limited to, schools, curriculum, personal training, professional skills development and the order that should be undertaken to achieve the dream. Student needs to take notes. We will discuss the success plan in class. 

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing


Student will develop the art of SEEING. Students will view various living things and describe them. The art of describing involves the involvement of our senses. Students must overcome the natural habit of writing from “mental schema” which is archetypal description.  Students must learn to note and record the particular things their senses are telling them.


  1. Write two pages of description. One page for a Kitten, another for a Puppy. Students are to find a hi-resolution picture or video of a KITTEN. Student is to use the techniques developed in class to write a one page DISCRIPTION of the kitten. It is suggested that the essay begin something like “While I was home one day I watched my kitten…” From there, student should describe the actions (if a video) and all the details of the animal: fur, coloration, eyes, whiskers, paws, eye, ears, behaviors (if applicable), etc..
  2. Same procedure is to be undertaken for the description of a PUPPY. 


9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: Students will discuss and map out a “Path to Success.” Student will continue to refine their body language signaling with mock interviews encouraging self-awareness of “proto-language” including stronger physical presence, eye contact and handshake. Students will assist in critiquing performances.

HOMEWORK: Depending on the student’s “Path to Success” each student will be given homework to design a specific time sequences plan in order to attain their ultimate goal and submit it in written form along with a timeline.

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing


OBJECTS AND THINGS: Student will review homework descriptive exercises. Students will describe HATS, HORSES, CARS, and FLOWERS, etc. in classroom exercises and will be introduced to the details of describing particular objects and things. Stress will be placed on using all senses and when difficult or impossible, student will be shown how to use other sense description indirectly.  


Purpose is to show students that objects and things have detailed terminology. Student will acquaint themselves with ways of seeing objects and things. Student are required to view the following webpages and videos on YouTube and then select four items from the internet pages below and write a descriptive paragraph of each:


            Type into Google: type of hats and review the varieties of hats.



(Familiarize yourself with the common name, not necessarily the Latin botanic terminology.



9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: Class will discuss the implementation strategy for “Path to Success.” This may include writing letters to schools, requesting information regarding requirements for jobs and professions and discussions about “who you want to be and who you want to be like…” Student will continue to refine their body language signaling with mock interviews encouraging self-awareness of “proto-language” including stronger physical presence, eye contact and handshake. Students will assist in critiquing performances.

HOMEWORK: 1. Students will write and send requests for information from colleges, inquiries regarding internships, letters to professionals for advice etc.  2. Students will prepare a one page speech on any subject of their choice to be delivered in class on 10/13.

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing

CLASSWORK: Students will tackle landscape, seascape, and setting descriptions employing same sense inventory methods.

HOMEWORK: Students will be required to employ the skills taught in class to provide two descriptive essays. Students will view the below webpages and describe in details (one full page) of each:


Mountain scape:


Week 4: 10/13 CLASSWORK and HOMEWORK

9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: Students will delivered their prepared presentations. Speeches will be (phone video) recorded and then reviewed in detail in class by the students themselves, the teacher and by peers. We will refine the physical presence of the speaker, with emphasis on eliminating nervous twitches, and addressing issues of paralanguage.

HOMEWORK: Students will write a one page speech on a subject to be discussed in class. Students will integrate observations gathered in class and the particular critiques aimed at refining speaking skills.

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing

CLASSWORK: MUSIC AND SOUND-Students will tackle description of abstraction and feeling. Students will listen to several pieces of music and then work on describing the internal landscape of sense and emotion conjured by sound and the feelings that arise from hearing with more than the ear but the mind. Student must describe what they “see and experience” within the soundscape of sound music. Music is abstract, but the mind can take us to places that are neither physical nor real in the ordinary sense.

HOMEWORK: Students are to listen to the following pieces of music and tell a story within the milieu of the soundscape produce in the imagination. Student must describe what they “see and experience” using the “mind’s eye.” Students must write one full page for each piece. Make up a story and employ what you see in the sound.




Week 5: 10/20 CLASSWORK and HOMEWORK

9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: Students will delivered their prepared presentations. Speeches will be (phone video) recorded and then reviewed in detail in class by the students themselves, the teacher and by peers. We will refine the physical presence of the speaker, with emphasis on eliminating nervous twitches, and addressing issues of paralanguage.

HOMEWORK: 1. Having thought more deeply about their particular objectives and career paths, student will be INTERVIEWED in class by the teacher regarding their future careers. Students will be expected to employ the methods taught in class.

2. Students will write a one page presentation on their future objectives in life and why it matters to themselves and to the world. Presentation should be interesting and directed on inspiring the audience. Students will integrate observations gathered in class and the particular critiques aimed at refining speaking skills.

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing

CLASSWORK: PERSONS AND PERSONALITY-Students will begin the difficult process of describing faces and persons. This skill is one of the most difficult, but fundamental to storytelling and excellent expository writing in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Students will be gives images of faces and will be walked through a “methodology” of description.

HOMEWORK: Students will write a one page description of each face or person.




Week 6: 10/27 CLASSWORK and HOMEWORK

9:00-10:30 Communications and Leadership Class

CLASSWORK: Students will be required to give a job interview with the teacher. Then student will deliver their prepared presentation. Speeches will be (phone video) recorded and then reviewed in detail in class by the students themselves, the teacher and by peers. We will refine the physical presence of the speaker, with emphasis on eliminating nervous twitches, and addressing issues of paralanguage.

10:30-12:00 Communications and Writing

CLASSWORK: Students will work to integrate all the elements thus far taught in the class into one complete whole. Classwork will include viewing a movie clip of several minutes. With the assistance of the teacher, students will write a powerful, dramatic and visually engaging description of the movie clip.