After-School GT1-8
To gain the most from this program, students should have an academic focus and be inclined towards learning.
Address: 10101 Molecular Dr, Ste 100, Rockville, MD 20850
School bus info: Free School Buses
Regular hours:
3:30 – 4:30 Snacks and drinks
4:30 – 5:45 Lesson/Worksheet
5:45 – 6:30 Free time
Half-day free-care service:
12:30 - 3:30 (care added to above)
Days of Service:
We provide seamless services for early release without extra charge. However, we close if the schools close (due to holidays or weather conditions).
Mission Statement of GT After-school
Our Committment to Making a Difference:
- The schools are making your child more than common by adopting the new standards called common core. We are here to turn them around, uncommon.
- The schools are more for the students behind; we are more for the students staying ahead.
- The schools set the ceiling without floor; we set the floor without ceiling.
- The schools are working to alleviate the requirements. We are here striving to elevate the bars for those with ambitions.
Days of Operation
The local schools operate around 180 days a year. Right on each school day when they are released, we offer them enrichment programs, focusing on math/reading/writing.
GT After-School Programs
Courage alone is not enough. The GT Entrance Exam takes preparation and incubation. With all the well-designed curriculum, we help them get to pace up on daily basis. As the best GT builder, we offer the most stimulating environment for ambitious students to get immbersed in future academic challenges.
3 Building Blocks: Math, Reading and Writing
This program is designed to enhance the students’ academic responsibility, awareness and competitiveness. Once enrolled in this program, the students will be engaged in problem solving, logical reasoning, reading analysis, word logic, and essay writing through classes/assignments/projects/homework. Through our guidance and encouragement, the students will grow and transform, and shine. As their improvements are noticeable, the recognition from school is perceivable.
Our Teaching in Zoom:
- Dr. Li (Math)
- Dr. Li (Solving an exciting number puzzle)
- Dr. Li (More fun)
Must Read: GT Literature (G1 - 8)
Timely feedback:
We provide valuable feedback on each assignment, which make it possible for the parents to trace of the academic development for their child.